Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Director: Wes Anderson

Wes Anderson films are known for their distinctive visual and narrative style, He himself has stated that he is a fan of the long take. One thing that is distinctive of an Anderson film is a shot where there is a lot of motion and people moving in and out of the screen (fig 1)Anderson is noted for his extensive use of flat space camera moves, obsessively symmetrical compositions, snap-zooms, slow-motion walking shots, a deliberately limited color palette, and hand-made art direction often utilizing miniatures. These stylistic choices give his movies a distinctive quality that has provoked much discussion, critical study, and even parody. Anderson himself has commented that this gives his movies the feel of being "self-contained worlds", or a "scale model household". 
I really enjoy his use of dialogue and the boundaries that he pushes with it. Its not uncommon to ask yourself after watching a scene "did he just do that?" Anderson uses a style that is one of where his characters often speak of things that are quit disturbing in a very nonchalant way. His films are always heavy with satire. An interesting bit of information is that for the film The Grand Budapest Hotel he used three different aspect ratios. He did this to differentiate between different timelines.

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